Sadly, Andrea will shortly be leaving her post as the Cranbrook Community Builder and she wanted a chance to say goodbye and look back over what she has achieved.
Andrea said: "I will be leaving my role as Cranbrook Community Builder in early September after having worked in the role for over three years. It has been a real honour to be working in Cranbrook, getting to know so many lovely people who want to make Cranbrook a positive place to live. I have often reflected that I have been fortunate to work as a Community Builder as I do really treasure seeing people shine when engaged and when being supported to pursue an idea and seeing it taking shape. There are so many projects that have happened in my time in the role.
I started my work as a Community Builder straight after covid lockdowns, and my first meet up with a resident was a retired lady who had expressed concerns about lack of activities for older people in Cranbrook. Talking over a cuppa, she shared her desire to have a regular walking group. I helped her to make a poster and advertise it and a few weeks later there were a handful of keen women meeting up at Café@143. This group kept on meeting up for a couple of years. The Thursday craft group started in a similar fashion and is still going strong."
You will still see Andrea in Cranbrook as she is a resident and hopes, once settled into her new job as a train conductor, to take part in the community as a resident. Below are photos from her time as a Community Builder. So many wonderful events:
Queen's Jubilee
Food hub
20 is Plenty campaign
Summer picnic with the Culture Club
Craft in the Park
Curry & Quiz night
A beautiful Hallowe'en front door
Painted stones at Craft in the Park
Food at the Curry & Quiz night
One of the many of the many pop-up listening events you all contributed towards
Paper lanterns
Family holiday activities at the Younghayes Centre
Litter picking
Meeting up at Cafe@143
Hallowe'en litter picking
The glorious country park
Cranbrook Festival
Andrea out and about at one of many events
Volunteers restoring the planters
A scarecrow at the Cranbrook Church autumn event
Cranbrook Strollers supporting the 20 is Plenty campaign.
Vicky Harris will be taking over from Andrea from 9 September and introduces herself below:
"My name is Vicky and I’ll be taking over from Andrea as the Community Builder for Cranbrook, starting on 9 September. I have lived in Cranbrook for 5 years with my husband, my 2 boys and my cat Ziggy. Before Cranbrook I grew up in South Devon, I went to university in Exmouth (when Plymouth University was there!) before spending some time in and around Brighton. Basically I have always been drawn to the countryside and the sea, which is why I love Cranbrook! I am an ESOL teacher and I currently volunteer at St Sidwell’s Centre, I also work (very) part time at Exeter Airport and I also run a CIC in Cranbrook with a group of local parents called Tiny Trails. I love to keep busy which is why I also love volunteering. I know Cranbrook is a small but thriving community which has so much to give and I can’t wait to connect further with the community and continue the great work that Andrea has started."
Thank you Andrea for all you have done in Cranbrook and welcome Vicky, we are sure you are going to be a huge success.