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Consultation on Future Plans for Exeter

Exeter City Council is preparing the Exeter Plan, a new local plan which will shape the future of the city for the next twenty years. The Exeter Plan will be the main planning policy document for Exeter, setting out where development should take place and providing policies that will be used to make decisions on planning applications. From 23 October 2023 until 14 January 2024 the Council is consulting on a Full Draft of the Exeter Plan. It contains the vision for the future of Exeter, a complete set of draft planning policies and potential development sites for public comment. The Council is also preparing two other planning documents. The Liveable Water Lane Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide a vision, development framework and design code to guide future development in an area of the city around Water Lane. The Householder’s Guide to Extension Design SPD will provide detailed advice to people submitting planning applications for extensions and alterations to their properties. The Council is consulting on the two SPDs from 23 October until 4 December 2023. We want to hear from our communities, businesses and stakeholders during the consultations as this is an important opportunity to shape the future of the city. To have your say and get involved in the consultations

Exeter City Council Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter from Monday to Friday, 9.00-14.00.

Public libraries in Exeter and Topsham. Library opening times are available at:

Attend exhibitions about the three documents. Further details including the locations and dates of the exhibitions will be released on the Council’s website and social media channels during the consultations.

Contact details

We encourage you to respond to the consultations online. However, if you need paper copies of the consultation documents or surveys, these are available upon request from the Local Plans team or at the locations above. Please send all response surveys or other correspondence to If you would like any further information about the consultations, please contact the Local Plans team on 01392 265080 or email If you need the consultation documents provided in an alternative format, please get in touch with Exeter City Council.


Commenting has been turned off.

Wat Tyler House

3 King William Street, Exeter


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