When Nicola first met her Connector she had been feeling overwhelmed by her anxiety and recognised with a sense of loss how it had got in the way of her leading a full life. Her social world had shrunk over a period of a few years and she tended to only leave her home for shopping and medical appointments.
She told her Connector she was keen to make incremental changes to her daily life but would need encouragement – and lots of it! Her Connector acknowledged what a positive step it was to take notice of how mental health issues had impacted her life. Together, they agreed a gentle but clear plan to expand Nicola’s social world – Nicola would only be introduced to groups that involved walking, nature and meeting others who were interested in improving their wellbeing. Alongside some self-help mental health resources, these boundaries helped Nicola feel in control and served to improve her decision-making skills.
Over the next couple of months, Nicola attended wellbeing activities that she really enjoyed. She invited a couple of acquaintances to go along with her and they now attend on a regular basis. Having been used to living a solitary life, she is noticing how these regular meet-ups give her mood a boost and allow her to deepen her relationships with others.
Nicola has continued to set self-care goals for herself, with her Connectors support. As well as continuing to attend activities with her friends, she has started to explore new parts of the city alone, and has planned a solo holiday. Her social world is now expanding and working with the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, she is able to recognise what she needs to maintain this positive direction moving into the future.
John is in his 60s and lives alone. When he first met with a Community Connector he was feeling socially isolated and low in mood.
He lives with diabetes and acknowledged that he hadn’t been taking good care of his health.
The Community Connector spoke with John about his priorities, which were to improve his levels of fitness and control his diabetes.
Together, they made a goal-based Action Plan. This included a daily reminder for John to stay hydrated throughout the day, reduce his sugar intake and take a walk every day after his main meal.
To help motivate John, the Community Connector suggested their regular conversations were held while walking in his local area. John was really enthusiastic about this as he has lots of local knowledge and enjoyed sharing this with the Connector whilst they walked around.
The Community Connector introduced John to social groups that may help him meet like-minded people with shared interests. These included a local wellbeing group, which was peer-led in a relaxed environment.
Since that first meeting, John has continued to enjoy his daily exercise and is significantly exceeding the step-count aimed for in the Action Plan. He has lost some weight, feels more energised and has controlled his diabetes.
He continues to enjoy meeting new people as he tries out new social activities and has more confidence in himself to make positive choices to enhance his wellbeing.